Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Hectic Schedule

Last night I was relaxing for the first time in many weeks. I got to thinking of all the activities and crises which have occurred in my life since May. Then I got to thinking of all the activities and crises which will occur in my life by September.

Early May
Submitted a manuscript for publication
Wedding planning

Mid May
Final exams, finished term papers
Final phase (frenzied mad dash) of wedding planning

May 19
K’s grandpa has a heart attack, but survives. Wedding almost postponed

May 20
Visit grandpa in hospital
Gift opening
Pack for honeymoon

May 21 – 28
Honeymoon in St. Lucia

Early June
Manuscript denied for publication; must revise
Apartment hunting for K
Preparation for field work

June 9 – 10
Kidney stones (fun)

June 11 – 19
Field work in southwest Nebraska, northeast Colorado
My dad is fitted for a pacemaker, but otherwise fine

June 20
Work on lab methods, dissertation proposal
Pack for Minnesota

June 21 – 29
K’s grandpa back in hospital, this time much more serious. Many hours spent in waiting room over many days. He eventually is taken home, and begins physical therapy
Move K with one car and one pickup. This was especially tedious for these reasons:
The move took 12 car/truckloads
Road construction hampered our efforts
Due to K’s grandpa being in the hospital, we really had no time to pack
K must attend Bar classes

June 30
Work on lab methods, dissertation proposal

Lab work
Revise manuscript
My dad visits the Mayo for tests on his Pancreatitis recovery. This may or may not involve surgury
Visit Columbia Basin?

Move to new apartment
Continue lab work
Continue manuscript revision, if necessary
Visit BWCAW?
Take mini road trip?

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